
This woman couldn’t find the light switch and her face when she finds out why is a proper picture

The problem with light switches … is there a problem with light switches? Well, if there is a problem with light switches, it’s that they are not always where you would expect to find them.

So spare a thought for this particular woman, where the light switch was not only in an unexpected place, she couldn’t find one at all. And her face when she realises why is a proper picture.

The clip was shared by her husband over on TikTok and, well, have a watch for yourself.

People had questions, as you might expect.

‘And yet, for some reason, the light switches off when it’s night time and I want to go to bed! It’s almost like it’s alive…’

‘My thought is they just moved in here. That’s how I can sleep at night knowing this exists.’ Vaguely_trans

‘This was probably her first day in the house.’ OnlyMe9541

‘Looks like military housing. So, sounds about right.’ Firex3_

‘If you’d never seen a skylight before, and it uses frosted glass and just happens to look like a fluorescent light, I think you get a pass if you catch on that quick.’ dementorpoop

And just two other things people said after it was shared by LF_4 over on Reddit.

‘When I was a kid, anyone that had a skylight was rich.’ wheniwascake

‘One time I asked my dad what the sky light was and he told me it was “an emergency exit for if the house tips on its side.”’ casedia

‘It’s on a timer. Goes off at night.’ defenselaywer


It’s impossible to exaggerate how brilliantly this nails this Princess Diana clip from the Crown

Source TikTok @tatertot_xx Reddit u/LF_4