
Everyone noticed that the aerial shot of stranded lorries in Dover looks eerily similar to an iconic movie scene

Hundreds of lorries remain Stranded at Manston Airfield, Kent after France shut the border for 48 hours on Sunday due to fears over the new strain of coronavirus in the UK.

Drone footage revealed the jaw-dropping scale of the issue in its entirety, and if you thought the scene looked familiar, you’re far from alone.

People began to notice that the footage resembled the closing scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Admittedly, gridlock lorries don’t immediately conjure up the image of the iconic 80s movie but bear with us.

Here’s the movie the scene in question:

And just a few others who made the observation themselves:

Once more with sound:


The blockage at Dover may cause a lettuce shortage – we picked the 11 funniest takes just cos we could

Source: @christiancalgie