
These eye-opening inventions never caught on for reasons that will rapidly become obvious

This video of amazing inventions that never caught on went viral on Reddit because, well, have a look at them for yourself.

Inventions that never caught on. They lived more in future than we do in 2020,’ said Redditor bedir07.

And here are just a few of the things people said about them.

‘First one looks like an accident waiting to happen.’ GigaPandesal

‘Oh and none of the others did?? Looking at you, flying boat man… ‘ Question_your_space

‘That Heli-Boat looks dope AF, well, until you get near anything living.’ BalognaPonyParty

‘No one is mentioning the train at the end? I think that one was the most interesting!’ catscatscat

Although …

‘The future is now!! We actually have those underwater fan/propellers for scuba diving. But you hold onto it, instead of clipping it around your dick.’ HairyColonicJr

‘We do also have monowheels, not very popular but they literally have races for them.’ lizardfolk2

But mostly, this.

‘Every single one of these inventions is a gruesome mutilation waiting to happen.’ FelineLargesse


Simply 17 of the funniest things we’ve seen on Tinder this year

Source Reddit u/bedir07 YouTube