
Daniel Hannan will take a seat in the House of Lords – 11 peerless reactions

The government has released the Honours List for the New Year, revealing that the former Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, will finally get the peerage he was denied due to lack of space in the previous list, which was stuffed with Brexiters.

The list, however, is far from controversial, with the Lords’ Speaker taking to Twitter to complain that Boris Johnson would be installing 16 new peers, packing an already overfull upper house even further.

Yet again, Nigel Farage missed out on an honour, except perhaps the honour of being known for being defeated at an election by a man dressed as a dolphin.

One contentious choice is Peter Cruddas – a Leave supporter and Tory donor who was involved in the cash for questions scandal and was rejected as a suitable candidate for a peerage by the independent body that scrutinises these decisions.

But the most discussed appointment was that of Daniel Hannan, one of the main voices and faces of Brexit.

Hannan has claimed, among other things:

The UK wouldn’t be leaving the Single Union

There’d be no lorry jams

That the upside of coronavirus was the return of the curtsy and the bow

Churchill wasn’t a racist because just look at Hitler

He also campaigned for the return of the blue passport, thought that the Windrush scandal proved that the system works, and was caught out trying to pass off photos taken from Google as his own.

Of particular relevance given the current situation, he wrote that coronavirus wouldn’t kill people.

Presumably, he’ll take the name Lord Hannan of Bad Takes.

Here’s what Twitter had to say about it.












James O’Brien had this plausible explanation of yet more bad nominations from the PM.

If it weren’t for the whole ‘Princess Nut Nut’ thing, that probably would have just happened.


A 2016 article by Daniel Hannan seems like a devastating Brexit parody – but he was totally serious

Source Twitter Image Screengrab 1, Screengrab 2