
Trump’s former press secretary complained about Twitter and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had the perfect response

Here’s someone we hadn’t thought about for a while.

It’s Donald Trump’s former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders – you remember – going on Twitter to complain that she’d lost 50,000 followers in a week.

It comes at the same time that Donald Trump lost his account, of course, along with several high-profile Trump supporters and a whole load of QAnon conspiracy theorists.

And the great Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had the perfect response.

‘Free advice – if you are losing tens of thousands of followers the moment Twitter starts taking down Neo-Nazis and violent insurrectionists, maybe don’t advertise that!’


And it wasn’t the only on-point takedown.


And finally …


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins comeback of the day after Donald Trump called her ‘not talented’

Source @AOC
H/T Reddit u/lrlOurPresident