Footage of a parish council meeting went viral because it’s pure cut-throat drama – 19 favourite reactions
A Zoom meeting of Handforth Parish Council trended on Twitter for hours when its high drama became apparent.
It makes any spat between Boris Johnson and Kier Starmer look like BFFs arguing about which pizza to order on movie night.
i’ve never missed in person meetings more than i did watching this parish council meeting descend into chaos pic.twitter.com/I75zi1fIK5
— janine (@janinemas0n) February 4, 2021
We have @shaanthepenguin to thank for drawing Janine’s attention to this now iconic video.
AHAHA, my pastime of watching random council meetings has made one of my friends famous, and I’ve begun the downfall of Handsforth Parish Council! here we gooooooo…. https://t.co/eeIxT7ecV8
— founder of jackie weaver (shaan) (@shaanthepenguin) February 4, 2021
One man who knows good real-life drama when he sees it is Piers Morgan, and he gave it his seal of approval.
This is fabulous 👇👇 https://t.co/oLd4RveNIU
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 4, 2021
For background, we cross to our new parish council correspondent, Liam Thorp –
So for clarity, the meeting was called because the chair refused to hold meetings
But he turned up to it so was invited to be the chair
But he refused to accept the meeting so was kicked into the waiting room with several others by the no-nonsense Jackie Weaver pic.twitter.com/3StJKTQNwq
— Liam Thorp 💙 (@LiamThorpECHO) February 4, 2021
Pick your fighter. Was Jackie Weaver merely trying to run an orderly meeting, or is she the latest insurrectionist of 2021?
These are some favourite reactions we spotted, but it’s well worth a deep dive into the #HandforthParishCouncil, ‘Jackie Weaver’ and ‘standing orders’ search terms.
British democracy is a beautiful thing https://t.co/O9Acl4dwoe
— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) February 4, 2021
Jackie Weaver is the british AOC
— Stephen Is A Wizard Who Can Do Magic (@stepheniscowboy) February 4, 2021
Jackie Weaver login onto Zoom on 10th December 2020 pic.twitter.com/1O0hCh7hbZ
— Disobedient Avocado 💙 (@WMT_TM) February 4, 2021
Just took 93yr Mum to vote, she’s registered blind. In a very loud voice she said, “Which box for Jackie Weaver?” A cheer went up from waiting parish councillors
— Stephen Is A Wizard Who Can Do Magic (@stepheniscowboy) February 4, 2021
Watch a coup d'etat unfold in real time at a parish council. Even Putin would shudder https://t.co/ofS9oRmbC3
— (((Nick Cohen))) (@NickCohen4) February 4, 2021
Give Cllr. Jackie Weaver the MBE that was being saved for Toby Young.
— Tom Forth (@thomasforth) February 4, 2021
jackie weaver kicking people off the handforth parish council zoom meeting pic.twitter.com/VF1HfwqCwR
— Abby Tomlinson (@twcuddleston) February 4, 2021
Netflix need to buy this up, now. https://t.co/hrEJxgRYDG
— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) February 4, 2021