A woman complained about KFC having no meat-free options and got roasted
There are a lot more vegetarian and vegan options available now than at any time since food processing began, but one woman went looking for meat-free meals in the wrong place and was left disappointed.
According to the article, pescatarian Vanessa Hensley was forced to leave KFC and buy fish and chips instead.
But when the story was featured on Facebook, one person left a comment completely dripping in sarcasm.
Here’s what Redditors thought when the exchange found its way to the r/MurderedByWords forum.
She does know what C stands for, right?
I feel discriminated when I went to Onlyfans, I was hoping to buy an airconditioner but they only had porn.
As a PM in a SW company, l had a client (director of a country branch of a pharmaceutical company) who asked when will we deliver their users iPads. I said that contract says we will deliver that particular app, not the hardware. He stared blank at me and said: “but the contract doesn’t say you won’t provide us with the iPads… NGL, l was impressed kind of.
Aren’t fries meat free tho? Here kfc serves fries.
Thats like going to an aquarium and complaining that there arent any birds.
Reddit user u/Irishpanda1971 thought KFC might be missing a trick.
“Wouldn’t be surprised if KFC has something in development though. We could call it Fauxcken. Gimme a Fauxcken Sandwich!”
Kentucky Faked Chicken.
This KFC apology ad is so good it’s almost worth running out of chicken for
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