Parents are sharing the stupid mistakes their kids will never let them forget – 23 funniest
I once cut my son’s finger while clipping his nails when he was a baby. I cried harder than he did at the time. Made the mistake of telling him I did this when he was older, and he’s been reminding me since.
— Katy (@dopemixtape78) March 4, 2021
She will be hassling you about this for the rest of her life. My dad mixed salsa into my Mac and cheese one time when I was 6, and I’ve never forgiven him for it.
— Dr. MKM (@drmaggiemiller) March 4, 2021
It’s always dads and Mac n cheese! My dad used Mayo once instead of butter. My sister and I have been bringing it up for 30 years. More recently he used egg nog instead of milk. That will go on his tombstone.
— Mia V (@MiaQGirl) March 4, 2021
When my twins were in kindergarten FIVE YEARS AGO, I switched their lunches. Once. Teachers enabled a hallway swap after a few tears and they still check their lunches every day.
They didn’t even have to eat the wrong lunch, but they unzip box and give me side eye every day.— (Maureen Flaherty) (@maureenflaherty) March 4, 2021
Every child is a little Miranda Priestly. I once showed my nephew a picture of me getting a tattoo (because previously he thought I was just born with a cartoon birthmark) and his only review was a very blunt, “You’ve got a fat back.”
— Ms. Becker – vaccinated & still masked (@Ms_Becker_SPPS) March 4, 2021
My five year old draws pictures sometimes of the one NYT dessert I fucked up and says “I was so sad that I didn’t get to eat those cookie bars, at least now I can look at them”
— Amber Sparks (@ambernoelle) March 3, 2021
During a holiday gathering, a friend’s small nephew was silently gazing at his mother as the adults discussed her current pregnancy. She noticed, and asked him what he was thinking about. he said, “If the baby’s in your stomach, why is your butt so big?”
— smlyc (@smlyc) March 4, 2021
I’m 59 and can still get my mother to apologize by bringing up the time she kept trying to close the rear automatic window but my head was stuck in it and that’s why it wouldn’t close. (She was in the front seat, using the switch up there.)
— Susan Brown (@SacTownGrandma) March 4, 2021
I once put the ice cream on the car to buckle my toddler son in and did not forget and did NOT drive off with it on top, but my son still mentions it all the time as a cautionary tale of dad’s cruelty and stupidity.
— Tim Spalding (@librarythingtim) March 3, 2021
My father once cut a package open at the bottom, ruining an American Girl doll dress my sister had been waiting by the mailbox for for weeks. We brought this up regularly for at least 10 years
— Jessica Sillers (@JessicaSillers) March 3, 2021
The way kids remember sh*t like this 🤣 Once, I fell asleep in my car, waiting to pick my kids up from school, literally parked out front. My almost 9 y/o was 5 @ the time but as recently as last year (pre-covid) said “don’t fall asleep in the car & forget to pick me up” 🙄😆
— 🧶Jessica🧵 (@JuicyFruit0403) March 4, 2021
To conclude …
can’t wait to maybe be a parent someday and have my child catalogue all of my mistakes with their supernatural memory
— Maegan Poland (@Maegan_Poland) March 4, 2021
23 takedowns that were so good there was simply no coming back
Source Twitter @toddedillard H/T BoredPanda Someecards