This takedown of an anti-vaxxer should be made into a T-shirt
Over on Reddit, u/memezzer has shared a Facebook comeback that must have stung with its sheer burning accuracy.
Here’s the shot.
And here’s the chaser.
The anti-vaxxer should definitely add ‘Associate Research Fellowship at Google University’ to their CV.
Reddit users had a few thoughts.
This is what gets me.
“Do your research?”
Like, I work 40 hours a week, have a kid and animals to take care of, how the hell am I going to out research the CDC?
30 minutes of Google and another 30 on youtube ought to have you up to speed with them sciency people.
It’s incredibly generous to assume they googled anything. Way more likely their research consisted of memes on Facebook.
It must be great to be u/lycosa13, because of this:
‘I love coming across the “do your own research” comments cause then I get to say that I’m a scientist and I actually have done my own research.’
This hilarious way of setting an anti-vaxxer straight is next level stuff
Source r/insanepeoplefacebook Image r/insanepeoplefacebook, Daniel Schludi on Unsplash