Orlando Bloom seems to be lost in showbiz – 11 one-star reviews
In The Times’ weekly feature, A Life in the Day, celebrities give a snapshot of their life by describing their day. Ronseal would approve.
The most recent, ‘Orlando Bloom on life with Katy Perry and their new baby, Daisy‘, saw the actor reveal a routine that raised a few eyebrows.
Genuinely thought the Orlando Bloom interview in The Sunday Times was a spoof.
Is it really not?
https://t.co/nZdA4F6IKZ pic.twitter.com/m2n2anZfNt— dan barker (@danbarker) March 21, 2021
Let’s just take a closer look at some of that.
It’s all a bit ‘Lost in showbiz’, but while we’re not here to judge someone’s harmless breakfast or lifestyle choices, it was almost inevitable that Twitter would take the piss – and when they did, it was pretty funny.
I feel like Orlando Bloom might be perfect to play Ian Ventham in the film of #TheThursdayMurderClub pic.twitter.com/3ctxHY0ngf
— Richard Osman (@richardosman) March 21, 2021
Orlando Bloom's early-morning routine. Another one for the "Oh do fuck off" folder. https://t.co/IoYrpzuvyt pic.twitter.com/YJPwWm9kDL
— Fiona Sturges (@FionaSturges) March 21, 2021
Collagen powder for your hair and nails is a North Manchester staple, pal
— Justin Nolan (@jus_tupp28) March 21, 2021
Can anybody translate this for me?https://t.co/1NTCjgdo0b pic.twitter.com/II6r4Hc84r
— Hugo Rifkind (@hugorifkind) March 21, 2021
Orlando man, we know you have a bacon and black pudding sarnie then because you’re unemployed you watch Netflix all day. Stop the pretence
— Farmer Palmer (@truly_woolie) March 21, 2021
When Orlando Bloom was a kid in the youth group of the theatre I used to work at (in Canterbury) in the 90s, I’m fairly sure I saw him enjoying a packet of Poppets and a Lilt. #OrlandoBloom #Poppets #Lilt https://t.co/VtjNqRiFLu
— Jon Holmes (@jonholmes1) March 21, 2021
Orlando Bloom interview or original script for 'American Psycho' https://t.co/yEpgtfwHc5
— Matthew Kesby (@MLaurieKesby) March 21, 2021
Katy Perry to Orlando Bloom:
“Babe are you okay? You’ve barely touched your brain octane oil” pic.twitter.com/dWy1Ywm1kd
— Hannah Tindle (@hannahtindle) March 21, 2021
The original version of Orlando Bloom's morning routine: pic.twitter.com/SZ9nPIw0eJ
— Ryan Le Breton (@ryanlebreton) March 21, 2021
Woke up after a lie in and saw the TL full of Orlando Bloom's morning regimen. I shambled to the kitchen and made a tea accompanied by a stick of kinder bueno. There are no right answers.
— Paddy Duffy (@PaddyDuffy) March 21, 2021
If Alan Partridge lived on Vauxhall Road and took the red pill. https://t.co/Du7lq5GBZz
— Roy (@badwool9) March 21, 2021
By a weird coincidence, Orlando Bloom’s morning runs a lot like that of comedian Joe Heenan.
Me & Orlando Bloom have the exact same morning routine pic.twitter.com/7AYtfUVgU8
— joe heenan (@joeheenan) March 21, 2021
Mark Wahlberg’s ‘typical daily schedule’ is as weird as it is terrifying
Source The Times Image Screengrab, Dan Barker