
This hilarious sketch absolutely nails the horrors of workplace small talk

As the government’s roadmap to removing coronavirus restrictions unfolds, people may be viewing the impending return to the workplace with mixed feelings.

On the one hand, it means getting up earlier to factor in the commute, but on the other hand – no more taking in parcels for that neighbour who never answers their door to delivery people.

It means once again having to iron the bottom half of your work outfits, but also lets you justify nipping into Pret to grab a coffee.

You may have to go cold turkey on the Holly and Phil content, but at least you’ll get to enjoy those lovely office chats again. Right?

Thanks to actor Harry Trevaldwyn, we can remind ourselves how those chats inevitably turn out.

Twitter related hard.

Alexandra Sheppard spoke for so many people when she tweeted this heartfelt statement.

If you decide to brave the workplace, despite the likelihood of awkward kitchen small talk, this other sketch may come in very handy.

As well as on Twitter, you can follow Harry on Instagram, so you’ll never miss any of his comedy gold.


This Dettol ad wildly overestimated people’s love for the office – 7 perfect takedowns

Source Harry Trevaldwyn Image Screengrab