
‘When you’re finally allowed to socialise but you’ve forgotten how to talk to people’

The brilliant Jayne Sharpe – @Jaynesharp on Twitter – has done a video about just how tricky it’s going to be out socialising again after all these months of lockdown.

Just imagine – having a drink in a garden other than your own with someone who isn’t a member of your family.

Anyway, back to @Jaynesharp with her latest video that went viral today …


And because we’re here, it took us back to that video Jayne made helping people out with a bit of haircare advice at the height of lockdown.

Oh, and this, her response to a bloke on Instagram offering her large amounts of money to buy her used underwear.

And just in case you don’t already, follow @Jaynesharp on Twitter here!


‘How to appear online while working from home’ is next level stuff

Source Twitter @Jaynesharp