
Trying to leak government sleaze to the BBC isn’t as easy as you’d think (parody)

There’s been a lot of talk of government leaks recently for as long as we can remember, with ‘a Downing Street insider’ being responsible for large swathes of the news cycle on many occasions.

In related news, a remote slanging match is currently taking place between Dominic Cummings and Downing Street, which can best be summed up like this …


Twitter has been watching with interest – and weighing in.

Comedy duo Larry and Paul, whose alternative Downing Street briefings are a lot more informative than the real ones, imagined the difficulty of trying to leak government sleaze stories to the BBC.

They posted it on Twitter, too, where it clearly hit the sweet spot.

But the important question came from YouTube user Shia LaBeouf – (not that one).

‘What’s this about Hugh Grant? Why is this being buried?!’

via Gfycat


Larry and Paul’s ‘government’ advert for sovereignty is as funny as it is bleak

Source Larry and Paul Image Screengrab