One of Edward Snowden’s password tips might leave you needing mind bleach
Whistleblower, Edward Snowden, threw away his job with the CIA to leak classified information from the National Security Agency, so he’s well and truly clued up on what is and isn’t secure.
An old clip has resurfaced after Snowden called out the creator of an investor conference for running a Ponzi scheme.
This is how he put the conference organiser in his place.
from Nathan Fillion GIFs via Gfycat
And this is how he coped on Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, when his patience was severely tested – a funny, but disturbing watch.
Fellow Gamer
Snowden: Ok I burnt my life to the ground to help improve the safety and security of the free world
Oliver: passwerd
Daniel Rattlesnake
Shit, they figured out my passwerd.
“I’m not gonna do it because it seems hard, even though I know it isn’t.” ; “You’re killing me.” … said every IT professional ever.
Nobody would have guessed that Margaret Thatcher phrase. It’s a pity he blurted it out so we can’t use it. We might have to go with ‘BorisJohnsonIsTheLlewelynBowenOfNumber10’
Edward Snowden’s first day on Twitter
Source LastWeekTonight Image Screengrab, Screengrab