The UK has sent the Navy to monitor a fishing dispute between France and Jersey – 17 shots across the bow
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, a chest-puffing exercise seems to have broken out between France and the UK, over post-Brexit fishing rules.
The row has resulted in threats to cut the island off from the French electricity grid and a rumoured blockade of the Port of Jersey.
"They need us more than we nee— oh shite."https://t.co/JYyhd8a5WC
— Graham Hughes #RejoinEU 💫 👊🤠 (@EveryCountry) May 4, 2021
After accusing the French of overreacting, Boris Johnson went full Maggie Thatcher.
UK to send two Royal Navy patrol vessels to monitor planned blockade of Jersey's main port amid fishing rights row with France https://t.co/nfI8TNrRIU
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) May 5, 2021
Naturally, Twitter’s thoughts turned to the W word – and not to describe the PM.
And now we move to the final stage of our election campaign, mobilising the flag shagger demographic by going to war with France. https://t.co/GWaPuGlE9y
— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) May 5, 2021
ah, the French and English are fighting
nature is healing https://t.co/WwsAvKcJiP
— Sharon Kuruvilla (@Sharon_Kuruvila) May 5, 2021
2016: sunlit uplands
2021: we’re going to war with France https://t.co/mqbikaYejk
— Toby Earle (@TobyonTV) May 5, 2021
I knew Brexit was supposed to take us back to "the old Britain" but I didn't think it'd go as far back as war with France https://t.co/vVPmd7QJUI
— Smesh (aa-aaa) saviour of the universe (@SmeshJitsuOnly) May 5, 2021
Tomorrow's Daily Mail Headline: "Meghan's new children's book ignites UK war with France."
— Steve Blair (@UniversalExile) May 5, 2021
Oh good, we're Troy McCluring our way to war with France
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) May 5, 2021
“I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with France” pic.twitter.com/fwNTVVKyqT
— Mr Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) May 5, 2021
if Boris Johnson is intent on going to war with French fishermen can I just say vive la france
— dave ❄️ 🥕 🧻 (@davemacladd) May 5, 2021
Tories: Brexit is going great and anyone who says otherwise is a remoaner and a traitor
Also Tories: We are deploying the navy because the French may try and steal our fish
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) May 5, 2021