Simply the best response to the customer complaining about getting the right change
We’ve all seen bad reviews, and some of us have left them. Reasons for venting can include faulty goods, poor service, missing items in a delivery, and anything that isn’t as advertised.
All legitimate complaints.
One customer, however, left a bad review because they had been given *checks notes* THE CORRECT CHANGE.
Here’s what they wrote.
The owner must surely have been pretty baffled, but that didn’t stop them from coming up with this killer response.
Redditors’ reactions were slightly mixed.
Some were on the customer’s side.
Who on earth prices something at whole number plus 1 cent? Do they hate their employees who are permanently having to count out 99 pennies. Just round up or down please.
They still lost money.
Lowered their stars. Time to respond. Gift card printing. Pointless transactions.
I do also hate .99 cents because I’m a dude. I don’t have a satchel. If I get 99cents back I really am just getting $0.75 because the rest is gonna disappear somewhere.
Fuck pennies. Honestly I will fuck with a quarter. I like having a token version of my currency. I like $1 coins too but nobody does em. If they did I’d carry a satchel.
I’m fine to get rid of all change besides quarters.
Most weren’t …
I would say burned but at that temperature I think they were turned to ash.
I love when owners bite back
As a cashier, sometimes I will round because it’s easier. But if the person is already being a pain in my ass, I will not round. I have a feeling this customer wasn’t sunshine and rainbows to deal with before the petty two star review.
I feel like they’re going to turn back up there one day… “so, about that 1c gift card…”
I don’t understand the mindset of wanting those extra cents. Like, a penny isn’t going to make or break the bank.
What a weirdo. I always assume if someone doesn’t say anything when they’re about to get 99¢ back that they just need the change for something.
Someone named u/bnby_eclipse had a suggestion.
Stupid negative review aside… I’m sure the employee would have preferred handing back $6 rather than counting out 99 cents.
Time for ya’ll to follow Canada and abolish the penny.
But also – don’t leave bad reviews over nothing.
This bakery owner’s response to an anti-masker’s bad review was very satisfying indeed
Source r/MurderedByWords Image Reddit, Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash