Laurence Fox saw red over London’s Pride traffic lights and the takedowns were absolutely fabulous
Back in 2016, Transport for London joined in with the Pride celebrations by changing the images on the green part of some traffic lights to ones more fitting for the occasion than a lone stick person.
Traffic lights on the #Pride march route to display & celebrate our tolerance and diversity. #nofilter #lovewins pic.twitter.com/mcvtUArBZN
— Mayor of London (@MayorofLondon) June 19, 2016
Here are the six designs included on the fifty or so lights in the Trafalgar Square area.
In fact, the lights were so popular that they’ve been in place ever since.
However, it seems that they’re not popular with everyone, because failed London mayoral candidate, Laurence Fox tweeted this.
Perhaps he doesn’t see colours. Tweeters had a lot to say about his latest outburst, and these are something to be proud of.
hi it's me, a 43-year-old man who is mad at a traffic light, to the point I'm not even crossing the road, despite needing to cross it, such is my rage https://t.co/97Ja90GdcX
— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) June 7, 2021
Mate don't hang about waiting for lights to change you'll be late for your… oh… nevermind. https://t.co/ewkCWdClqj
— Gwastraff Amser (@GwastraffA) June 7, 2021
Well I sincerely hope he owns the woke left by crossing when it's red. https://t.co/Or7QB0WQd0
— Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) June 7, 2021
You're shouting at a traffic light… https://t.co/UQpXfFxo8o
— Jono (@jonoread) June 7, 2021
when you see your 76th Pret of the day https://t.co/NNMSzUYJES
— Josh Barrie (@joshbythesea) June 7, 2021
Crying about a traffic light now, is it? pic.twitter.com/7GIMNdWZWW
— 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ Liam 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️🌈 (@RhylBoi) June 7, 2021
Bored at home, looking for something else to moan about, Laurence suddenly remembers 'Yes! Those lights they put in Trafalgar Square fucking years ago!' and orders himself an Uber to take a photo. Another successful day on the grift. https://t.co/XqYqM3Djtu
— Fergus Craig (@FergusCraig) June 7, 2021