
This card-throwing trick shot is beyond next-level stuff

Card-throwing genius, Rob Rickermann, has pulled off an incredible feat with just a playing card, an American football – and a clothespeg.

Watch and wonder.


Reply to @thetofinokid 100 million😳 I’ll need all the tiktokers to have me on this one! ##trickshot ##precision ##cardshot

♬ Paradise – Bazzi

Now, that’s impressive.


Reply to @paydog91 I got you!😅 ##cardshot ##lucky ##trickshot

♬ original sound – Rob Rickermann

The answer to this question is three and a half hours – plus a couple of decades of practice. Minimum.

If you fancy trying it yourself – this is a crucial step. Also, make sure you have a few months to spare.

Of course, behind every great trick-shot video there are numerous failed attempts, and Rob has kindly shared some near misses.


This one is gonna be nasty! ##wicked ##cardshot ##trickshot ##football

♬ FOLLOW ME HEHE – Gripping Quotes

Every one of those attempts is still far better than the rest of us could manage on our best day.


Japanese ping-pong player pulls off impressive trick shots, along with plenty of shouting

Source @watchingrob Image Screengrab