Turns out different channels show different ads on the hoardings at the Euros and minds are blown
This video of different TV channels showing different adverts on the same hoardings during the same Euros coverage went wildly viral because, well, watch.
It’s not a new invention but it was new to lots of people (including us) who couldn’t quite get their heads round it.
Today I learned that stadiums can have different ads depending on channel and country. pic.twitter.com/qfgGTK7tu4
— Oliur (@UltraLinx) July 4, 2021
The magic of TV, right?
‘Oooh I never knew this.’
random_scroller_yeet‘Me neither.. Now when I think about, it makes sense. Really cool to see it like this. 10/10’
No-Regret-9963‘Life is just an illusion.’
full0fwit‘Obey Consume Marry and reproduce Submit Watch TV Conform Sleep’
treesarefriend‘How’s that possible?’
Worried-Rise2529‘They will overlay the adverts they desire. In F1 one world broadcast is used and in countries where gambling sponsors are allowed these are CGI shown so they aren’t visible in countries where they aren’t.’
WJones007‘But .. how’
And if you’re interested, this is how it works.
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