
Takedown of the day

The latest in an occasional series, takedown of the day goes to this exchange, shared by beerbellybegone over on Reddit.


Jst in case that’s tricky to read …

‘Every human being deserves shelter and a meal’

‘NO. You don’t pay people to exist for the same reason you don’t feed the bears.’

‘I know, right? You give the lady at the bus stop some change for fare and a meal, she’ll lost interest in foraging for desiccated salmon carcasses and lose her natural fear of people. next thing you know she’s in the suburbs running around on all fours trying to eat a corgi.’

And here are just three of the things people said in response.

‘You don’t feed bears because if you do, they stop finding human society a terrifying thing they have no place in and start to find it comforting, a place that brings them happiness and support, and take active efforts to be a part of it.

‘This is a major problem with a 500lb apex predator that can casually disembowel a man, but with humans, it’s much less of one.’

‘I’ll never understand how people can lack such basic empathy.’

‘Before I met my partner and had a kid, my mum threw me on the streets, I lived tough for under a year and barely got the chance to eat on a weekly basis. Some people have a silver spoon shoved up there rectal crack so far it’s giving them brain damage.

‘Unless you walk a mile in that position don’t comment on it. Hardest shit to go through and the most soul crushing too!’


These 27 funny parenting tweets go out to mums and dads everywhere

Source Reddit u/beerbellybegone