Bad day? Could be worse, you could work with one of these colleagues from hell
To be filed under ‘bad day? It could be worse …’ come these 17 snapshots of nightmare colleagues from hell.
Well, if not always hell, then only one or two floors above.
1. ‘My coworker has a tendency to spill his cereal walking out of the kitchen in the morning and just leave it there. I made it modern art’
2. ‘My coworker who returned this stapler to the front desk and said it was out of staples’
3. ‘Pickle monsters’
4. ‘My Passive Aggressive Coworker Saw Me Shut A Slightly Open Drawer On My Way To The Bathroom…Came Back Out To This’
5. ‘Has to use my coworkers office today who is on vacation to make some phone calls. This is what his phone cord looks like’
6. ‘Whoever owns this mug’
7. ‘I work with an office full of sadists’
8. ‘I hate my co-workers’
9. ‘My Coworker’s Desktop’