
Dave Grohl trolling the Westboro bigots with a Bee Gees cover might be the best use of disco ever

If you haven’t heard the Foo Fighters’ most recent album, Hail Satin, you need to fix that omission as soon as you’ve read about how it helped them fight bigotry.

Under the name The Dee Gees – as in ‘Dave Grohl’ – they have recorded covers of several Bee Gees hits, and it’s the tribute act we didn’t know we needed.

The Foos, or the Dee Gees, are currently on tour, and they played in Bonner Springs, Kansas, on Thursday.

The only problem with that is that the Phelps clan, a.k.a. the Westboro Baptist Church – known for their homophobia and their offensive picketing of the funerals of soldiers – protest outside every Kansas Foo Fighters gig.

Dave Grohl met them head-on, with this love bomb.

“Alright now, ladies and gentlemen, I got something to say. Because you know what, I love you, I do!

The way I look at it, is that I love everybody. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?

Can’t you just love everybody? Cos I think it’s about love! That’s what I think, we’re all about love.

And you shouldn’t be hating, you know what you should be doing? You should be dancing!”

Whatever the Westboro bigots thought, Twitter loved it.

It wasn’t the first time Westboro have been Foo-ed. Back in 2015, they pulled off this spectacular Rick Roll.

And in 2011 – where it all started – they took the flatbed truck out for a spin to perform their double entendre-loaded hillbilly anthem, Keep It Clean.

Pretty sure we saw those bigots dancing a little bit there.

You can watch the full version of Thursday’s event here, and don’t forget to listen to Hail Satin.


Dave Grohl’s letter to Cornwall Council is as lovely as it is unlikely

Source Tara Dublin Image Screengrab, Screengrab