
Ted Cruz accused ‘herd mentality’ Democrats of obeying one man and it’s a glorious self-own

Not for the first time we are moved to ask ‘What’s the colour of the sky in Ted Cruz’s world?’ after this fabulous self-own on Fox News when he accused congressional Democrats of having a ‘herd mentality’.

The Texas Republican senator was talking to Sean Hannity about his opposition to the creation of a vaccine passport system to help tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

‘It’s a weird thing, Sean.

‘There is a herd mentality among congressional Democrats that they obey [Senate Democratic Party majority leader] Chuck Schumer and their only answer is “sir, yes, sir”.’

And if you’re thinking his comments brought to mind someone else from the not too distant past – and his relationship with Cruz and the rest of the Republican party – then you’d be absolutely right.

In one syllable …


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s been suspended by Twitter so enjoy these 9 times she was hilariously owned

Source Twitter @Acyn H/T HuffPost