This comeback to a pro-gun anti-mask pastor is simply divine
This comeback to a so-called church is exactly what it deserved.
Here’s what Redditors had to say about it.
Did he really just threaten the guy who asked if it’s gun free? Seems like a good Christian pastor.
How is this a solely religious organization? “Democrat games” should have their tax-exempt status really seriously looked at.
“Faith over fear”
Fine. When you get Covid stay the fuck out of the hospital. Your “faith” can save you.
“He who claims to dedicate their life to the lord yet hasn’t uttered the words “fuck around and find out”, is a liar”- Leviticus 69-420
Perhaps that’s where this facepalm came from.
9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the week
Source clevercomebacks Image clevercomebacks, Reddit