Terrifying facepalm of the week
As if walking across a glass bridge 918 feet up wasn’t terrifying enough, imagine the scene if when took your first step onto it, other people started doing this.
It’s a clip shared on the subReddit ‘facepalm’ for reasons which may or may not become immediately apparent.
Very possibly we’re overthinking it – and basically we’re just a coward – but, well, we’d rather not, thank you very much.
Chloe Chapdelaine, who posted the original video over here on TikTok (where it’s been watched more than 3 million times, said: ‘TikTok removed this but I’m resharing because the employees assured us it’s not actually as dangerous as it seems 🙃 would you do this? #pursuitlife.’
@chloe.chapdelaine TikTok removed this but I’m resharing because the employees assured us it’s not actually as dangerous as it seems 🙃 would you do this? ##pursuitlife
And here’s what these Redditors made of it.
‘Damn you engineers for making this glass so strong.’
anarchitect9‘Yeah this reminds me of the time I went to an observation deck of a really tall building that had a glass floor and a guy about 10 minutes later showed up with a sledgehammer there were security dudes about 10 steps behind him he didn’t get to swing the hammer but it made me kind of wonder exactly what would happen so my friends and I left rather quickly it was a nice view but sledgehammer glass floor not gonna wait around to find out what happens with that one.’
pygmypuffonacid‘I thought it was going to be one of those bridges that has a video of the glass breaking.’
megaman0781‘The problem would be that Engineers couldn’t possibly fathom all the different things stupid people are going to do. Their stupidity options are endless and engineers, regardless of their level of intelligence couldn’t possibly drop their IQ far enough into the negative numbers to come up with the ideas that moronic people have in mind to attempt.’
FordExploreHer1977‘Why the f–k would you do this?’
nokatydidnt92‘Probably for the adrenaline rush? These bridges are designed and tested to these kinds of loads. It’s mildly stupid sure to test that but not nearly as stupid as people in the comments are making it out to be.’
Simply 17 fabulous takedowns of Americans who didn’t always get their facts right