A video about disentangling has got people tied up in knots over the technique
According to the dicionary, topology is ‘the study of geometrical properties and spatial relations unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures.’
You might have to do a semester or two of degree-level Maths to properly understand what that means – or you could watch these mindblowing disentanglements.
What idiot said “the study of geometrical properties and spatial relations unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures.“, instead of simply “witchcraft“?
Redditors were amazed, perplexed and downright bamboozled.
This makes me want to cry cuz i still don’t understand.
Same. I watch it over and over and I still don’t get it.
I don’t understand topology.
What sorcery is this?
Instructions unclear, hands are now stuck tied under desk.
I’d go screw with my wife’s head and the vacuum cord but she’d come home in the middle of me muddling about with my ankle tied to the coffee table…..
Someone named radgie_gadgie_1954 had a question.
“And if it’s tied to legs then are we to be deemed as understanding bottomology instead of topology?”
If you want a mathematical explanation, the brilliant and very funny Matt Parker gives one in an 18-minute video here.
‘My attempt at a confusing perspective trick’ is brilliantly bamboozling
Source r/BeAmazed Image Screengrab