
The clapback to this undeserved bad review was every bit as savage as it deserved

Over on Reddit, someone who works at a video store shared the dreadful and undeserved review they received – and the red-hot takedown they posted right back.

The poster, u/Emiliuum, added this:

“As an FYI, we price our games based off of ebay sold listings. Not our fault the market determines pricing.

And while the cost of gaming is sadly going up. I know for at least me, when pricing games out, I try to be as fair as humanly possible.

As for my interactions with customers, all I have to say is this. I’m not perfect, I can’t magically make problems (no matter how ridiculous) go away. However what I can do, is be as helpful as I possibly can be. If you’re having an issue, let’s discuss it like adults. I’m only human, and I’m just trying to make a living.

Abusing employees accomplishes absolutely nothing and is beyond disgusting to see; especially in these crazy times of uncertainty. How is being patient with people so hard to grasp?

I do my absolute best to treat EVERYONE (no matter who they are or what background they’re from) with an equal amount of respect.”

They also elaborated on what had irritated the previously satisfied customer.

“I wasn’t working when the customer came in, but what I heard from my coworkers. Im pretty sure the review refers to a CE for the Halo 3 the Legendary Edition that we have.

We don’t have the complete CE ourselves, but we did bundle the contents we had for it together, we have the Masterchief helmet, the Halo 3 Essentials disc two (bonus disc), and the game Halo 3 itself with the Legendary Edition cover art variant.

If I had to guess, this customer was likely missing Essentials disc two.”

Hopefully, that makes more sense to you than it did to us.

Reddit users had some thoughts about the disgruntled reviewer’s other character traits.

We quite enjoyed this sarcastic addition.

Oh, and in case you were wondering.

But the bottom line is that someone has really shot themselves in the foot.


One star review of the week

Source Reddit Image Sigmund on Unsplash