Weird World

People can’t decide whether this guy is a genius or just a style nightmare

Over on Reddit, u/Regian24 reckons this bloke at the airport is living in 2077.

If that’s how they’re dressing in 2077, we’re slightly relieved we won’t be around to see it.

I just think he’s a fan of windows vista screensavers.

“Those are some interesting pants”

“These are my traveling pants”

“Why’s that?”

“You’ll see”

Casino floor called they want their pattern back.

Dude’s dressed as a bowling alley carpet.

Living the dream, Mr Fancy Pants. Sure is nice to see a snappy dresser around town.

Still – he gets to leave the airport faster than everyone else, so it’s probably worth looking like that.

There was also this tip from u/bored-games.

Wear pants that match other people’s luggage and no one will question you when you walk off with it.

Which is why this is the only answer.


This guy has nailed the best way to never lose luggage at the airport

Source Reddit Image Screengrab