
This shopkeeper pranked by this ‘invisible trip’ joke is 45 seconds well spent

People have been enjoying this ‘invisible trip’ prank over on Reddit and it’s 45 seconds well spent.

We hope he saw the funny side. And here are just a few of the many comments it prompted.

‘This man still tells the story of the ghost that trips people walking by his store.’

‘Or the other way around: everybody trips, except for me. Am I a ghost?

‘Good guy store owner just wants to make sure his customers are safe and there aren’t any invisible hazards in front of his store.’

‘It’s like the one where a guy crossing in front of a car, but mines like he’s stepping over something big that the driver can’t see.’

Then the driver backs up and goes around the nothing!’

‘My brother-in-law does shit like this all the time. We’ll be walking down the street and if there’s a group of people walking towards us, he’ll stop and point at the ground and just stare at it intently. He’ll even bend over to get a closer look and analyze it. He’s just pointing at nothing, but when we walk away we see the group that was walking towards us stop and try to figure out what he was looking at. It’s so stupid, but it never gets old for some reason.’


‘What is the greatest comeback to an insult you’ve heard?’ – 23 brutal takedowns

Source Reddit u/meukbox