
People love this couple’s relationship update

Over on Reddit, u/RSParker has shared the relationship update they received from a friend. It’s not a ‘save the date’, it’s not an engagement announcement, in fact – it’s a ‘not engaged’ announcement.

More people should take this approach. Imagine the Hallmark possibilities –

‘Congratulations on remaining trapped in that job you hate’

‘Still no baby – your mother must be so disappointed’

‘It’s not your birthday, but you’re still getting older’

I wonder if this was a passive-aggressive response to people pressuring them.

Next they’ll send out blank ultrasounds

lmao showing off the no ring

Someone noticed that the (presumably) happy couple had missed a trick.

It should say “please still send gifts”

Even unmarried people need toasters.


When your sister asks you to shoot her engagement pics and you sneak something in the background

Source r/funny Image r/funny