Weird World

A Leeds bakery has gone viral after an anonymous report caused ‘sprinklegate’

A Leeds bakery has gone viral in a scandal nicknamed Sprinklegate, having been anonymously reported for using sprinkles not licensed in the UK.

The drama played out on Facebook, beginning with this post.

You can almost feel the frustration oozing from the page.

The news from Trading Standards wasn’t good.

Here are a few reactions to Get Baked’s posts.

“Imagine being the funsponge that reported you 😆 if you don’t like something you don’t just see scroll on, don’t buy it, unfollow! How sad must your life be to report it, clearly a local rival!”

““Under the counter” sprinkles ???”

“Where are the bakery science nerds when you need them. There now needs to be a competition to make not crap, legal sprinkles for the UK.”

“Jesus f**king christ Dan, they’re sprinkles, not cocaine.”

The bizarre development really gained traction after a tweet about it went viral. Here’s what @viqqyy had to say on the matter.

Tweeters could hardly believe it.

One (very funny) American had concerns.

Oh, and – in case you were wondering – a Bruce is a huge, rich, almost illegally* chocolatey cake, like the one Bruce Bogtrotter had to eat in Matilda.
*not literally – in case any grasses are reading this.


And a birthday Bruce?

Oh, right. You can squirt raw sewage into the waterways but people can’t get a few sprinkles on their birthday? What was that about taking back control?

We hope whoever reported them gets their just desserts.

Check out Get Baked’s Facebook for the latest news on Sprinklegate, Bruces and where you can buy their cakes – sprinkled or otherwise.


Homophobes took their bigotry out on a small bakery and the result was pretty sweet

Source Get Baked H/T @viqqyy Image Get Baked