
Simply the funniest explanation of how different social media platforms work

There’s a reason why people love Jimmy Rees, and it isn’t only because he played a much-loved children’s TV character for many years in Australia.

His ability to cut to the comedic chase is so effective, he’s provided hilariously definitive guides to such diverse topics as how things are packaged, the personality of an iPhone and *checks notes* dog hairstyles.

He has now turned his attention to that ubiquitous aspect of all our lives – social media.

Here are a few comments left on the post.

Not pictured, a guy standing off to the side analysing each person to determine data points for monetisation and targeted advertising.

This is one of the most relatable videos I’ve ever watched lol.
Alex Ipsaros

Jimmy I don’t know how you keeping up with all this material. It’s pure gold.
Karen Diamond

A YouTube user named Tania Shipman said –

‘Using Social Media to talk about people using social media and make a commentary on social media. Excellent :)’

via Gfycat


‘The Guy Who Decides Imperial Measurements’ hilariously explains the crazy system

Source Jimmy Rees Image Screengrab