The government allowed water companies to carry on dumping sewage in the sea – 19 favourite tweets kicking up a stink
There’s a growing backlash against the government after it rejected an amendment preventing water companies dumping raw sewage into rivers and the sea.
The last few days have seen a number of beaches closed around the country following raw sewage discharges.
2019: “We categorically promise that we will have the same or higher environmental standards than the EU.”
2021: “Do not swim at any of these beaches due to the raw sewage we’ve dumped.” pic.twitter.com/B7y0PUjq3D— Alan Ferrier (@alanferrier) October 24, 2021
Last week the government rejected an amendment to the Environment Bill, which would have required water companies to take ‘all reasonable steps’ to stop untreated sewage discharges into waterways.
there’s a lingering disquiet about Tory MPs voting last week against an amendment to stop private water companies dumping raw sewage into rivers and coastlines…not sure they’ve gauged the public mood on this
— Jim Pickard 🐋 (@PickardJE) October 24, 2021
And here are just a few of the many things people are saying about it.
"The beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time." pic.twitter.com/rIZvUw0blr
— Otto Von Jizzmark (@Ottojizzmark) October 23, 2021
Sometimes a picture really is worth 1000 words. Analysis in 2020 found that privatised water companies paid £57bn in dividends to shareholders since their foundation in 1991 to 2019. Now they say they need better infrastructure to stop piping sewage into rivers, lakes, and sea. pic.twitter.com/SEnlZUIHpz
— Paul Lewis (@paullewismoney) October 24, 2021
Controversial i know, especially given my history of defecating in public, but I’m not an enormous fan of pumping raw sewage into our seas and rivers.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) October 25, 2021
Sea Closed ⛔️ pic.twitter.com/vsEkKTM0Fn
— The Agitator (@Agitate4Change) October 24, 2021
Summary of where we're at:
We have the very worst government that's full of shit led by the very worst human who's full of shit happy to make sure our rivers and beaches are full of shit.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) October 25, 2021
Remember when people would say that Covid was pausing Johnson’s core policy agenda, like he had some sort of grand plan, and then a few years later it turned out his core policies were things like telling companies “please don’t be shy, feel free to take a shit in the sea”
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 24, 2021
Twitter is not real life, of course, but the sewage issue seems to have a heck of a lot of traction. And I haven’t seen anyone claiming that they knew exactly what they were voting for in 2016 for quite some time…
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) October 24, 2021
#StoolBritannia pic.twitter.com/EuDkIIxljf
— Colin the Dachshund (@DachshundColin) October 24, 2021
“What did you say, Boris?”
“That I’d make Britain more affluent.”
“And what did you mean, Boris?”
“Effluent. I meant effluent”. pic.twitter.com/1RGWgUAK92— GlennyRodge (@GlennyRodge) October 24, 2021