Weird World

Most honest and entertaining 5 star review you’ll read this week

In the first of an occasional new series, Amazon 5 star review of the week goes to this, shared by utubefangurl over on Reddit.

The review’s from last year but it’s just gone viral because, well, look.

You surely won’t read a more honest or entertaining review than that. And straight to the point, which is always welcome.

And just a few of the comments it prompted.

‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. But damn these leggings!!’

‘These leggings are stronger than my will to life.’

‘That’s a legit review. Kevlar leggings.’

‘Thank you Cory, for sacrificing your dignity and physical safety to make my leggings-shopping just a little bit easier.’

‘If I was looking at these on Amazon and stumbled on this review I would’ve definitely bought them … hahaha … THAT is one honest review! hahaha.’

And at the risk of too much information …

‘To be fair if you’re on a precipice there can be times where it’s a lot safer to simply sit still. Like if you know if you try to climb there’s a good chance you’ll slip and you know if you slip there’s a good chance you’ll die sometimes the wisest choice is simply to wait for help.

‘If no help will be arriving than rolling/crawling can be safer too. If you are attempting to climb down and feel you may fall then the last thing you want to do is stand up! If you stand you can fall and slam your head off the rock, if you’re already on the ground you’ll just slide/roll forward a bit.

‘Also ideally you always go down feet first. If you slide forward into a rock you’d rather hit it feet first than head first. It’s better to break your legs than to break your neck. So rolling may sometimes be the best option, it keeps your head close to the ground, and allows you to travel non-head first.’

‘I hate this tutorial. It gave me unnecessary anxiety over a situation I’m not currently in. Thanks either way.’

Just make sure you’ve got the right leggings.


This neighbour’s dumb complaint is wrong on so many levels it hurts

Source Reddit u/utubefangurl