
Non-Americans are sharing American things they wish their countries had – 22 favourites

It’s all very well mocking dumb and hilariously confused Americans (as we did on this post here, and very entertaining it was too).

But there are also lots of good things about America, obviously. So good, in fact, that people wish they had them in their country.

Why are we going on like this? Because Redditor Jimlobster had this question for the good people of Reddit.

“Non-Americans of Reddit, what is popular in the US that you wish was more popular where you live?”

We’ve read the answers so you don’t have to, and reckon these are the 22 most relatable. THey’re not all about food. Just a lot of them.


’24/7 dinners, I don’t know if they actually exist but they sound awesome.’

‘Waffle House is open so constantly that people measure the severity of a disaster informally by 1.) if the local Waffle House is still open, and 2.) How long it takes the local Waffle House to reopen.

‘Waffle House at 3 AM will make you greasy steak and eggs in the middle of a tornado for as long as they have power.
I am not joking.’


‘Not exactly a “popular thing”, but I’m jealous of the “land space in America”, like you see videos where folk have fairly big houses and decent sized yards. I like in Scotland and the average family are lucky to have a little patch of garden.

‘(Not commenting on the economy/homeless numbers or anything, purely that I wish have a big outdoor space was more achievable in the UK).’


‘Breakfast food available after 10:30am.’


‘I forget what it’s called but the blender inside the kitchen sink that makes your food waste into a smoothie instead of you having to fish it out in clumps with your hands.’

‘Garbage disposal!’


‘Unlimited coffee refills.’


‘Having films set in your country, the only films i can think that are set in Scotland are Filth, the trainspotting films and that bit of Avengers: Infinity War set in Edinburgh (with the beautiful sign saying ‘we will deep fry your kebab’)’


‘Diner culture, and to that extent diner food. Like the sheer ability to go and get a simple, hearty, affordable yet delicious meal at a sit-down restaurant at any time of day, any day of the week.’


‘Going to the bathroom in a public space without having to pay money. It really pisses me off sometimes.’


‘Walking systems. In Chicago everyone walks on the right. You try to get in the left and slap back in your lane bitch….we’re animals in Ireland.’


‘Bathtubs apparently. I see them in so many tv shows. Even characters who supposedly aren’t well off have a big-ass bathtub in their bathroom.

‘I have not even seen one in real life. I thought maybe some hotels in my country would have them but nope.(Though to be fair I’ve never stayed in a 5 star or something). Just want to experience bathing in a bathtub once to see what all the fuss is about.’

