
Non-Americans are sharing American things they wish their countries had – 22 favourites


‘Street food that doesn’t cost ££££. I hate the fact that in the U.K. (esp. London/Birmingham etc.) 99% of street food is deemed to be as pretentious as possible. Just because food is inevitably sprinkled with Parmesan/Truffle Oil/Whatever DOES NOT MEAN its allowed to be charged as much as it is inside a restaurant.

‘No, I don’t want a eat a ‘secret spices’ beef rib from a cardboard box with rosemary salted French fries for £14 in the rain. I’d much rather have a half-decent burrito for £4/5, thanks.’


‘A truly great and protective National Parks Service. I’m Australian and we have plenty of sacred and special areas of land, but they’re slowly but surely being exploited by fossil fuel companies.’


‘Brazilian here, I’ve always wanted to go to the movies in a drive-in, the ideia of watching movies in your car seems comfortable and fun, and if I’m mistaken we do have some of those but it’s not very popular.’


‘American, but I dated a German girl in college. I took her to Fuddrucker’s for lunch one day and she became obsessed with (not “interested in”; OBSESSED WITH) their burgers.

‘Her family came to visit her a few months later and she made me take them all to Fuddrucker’s too. Literally every single one of them became obsessed with their burgers too. It was like watching this group of proud and noble Europeans become slovenly Americans before my very eyes, I was so proud of myself.’

‘Idk what a Fuddruckers is but I love this comment.’


‘Mexican food and little grocery store/ deli shops on every corner. Some of the food they serve looks legit.’


‘Land. I come from a tiny island, like less than 145000 acres. I dream of wilderness, woods and animals. One day.’


‘Thrifting, where I live the second hand shop are so rare and it takes hours to get there. Also big mall were there are 20 and more shops, near me(and with near I mean that I have to drive for 1 hour) there is only one, and they only make this kind of malls in the opposite side of my city because the center is untouchable.’


‘A theatre where they serve you actual food (like pizza, not popcorn) inside the theatre, while sitting on a spacious reclining chair with a little mini table. Best experience watching a movie I’ve ever had and wish it was in my country (Kenya).’


‘Tap water in restaurants additionally to the normal drink.’


‘I’m an American, but I’ve spent more than 1/3rd of my life outside the US. For the past 5 years I’ve been living in Canada. What do I wish was more popular here? 24 hour stores. Literally, I live in a city with almost 1 million people, less than an hour outside Toronto, and we don’t have even ONE 24 hour grocery store.’


‘Right turns on red.’

And finally, this. Very niche but very welcome …

‘Proper good buffalo sauce. Any restaurant in Australia that offers buffalo sauce is homemade and doesnt taste like buffalo sauce, just a red/orange hot sauce.’

‘Homie I am about to blow your mind because making a good Buffalo sauce is easy as hell. I make a batch every month or so and just leave it in my fridge to use on whatever I’m eating.

‘A basic Buffalo sauce is just hot sauce, white vinegar, and butter mixed together and simmered for a few minutes to thicken. I’d recommend adding some Worcestershire, cayenne, and garlic to take it to the next level. It honestly takes like 5 minutes to make and is better than what you get at most wing places in the US.

‘Edit: I’m sorry I wasn’t specific enough, franks and Louisiana Perfect are pretty much my go to hot sauces for this. But I’ve also used tobasco and Texas Pete. Any basic hot sauce will work.

‘Recipe: combine 1 cup hot sauce, 1/2 cup of butter (you can go heavier on the butter if you want to. Some people do a 1:1 ratio of hot sauce to butter), 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne, 1 teaspoon garlic. Simmer and whisk for 5 minutes and it’s done.

‘Obviously you can play with the amount of garlic, cayenne and Worcestershire for your taste. I like it extra garlicky so I’ll sometimes double the garlic.’

So now you know.

To conclude …

‘As an American, I gotta say, I like seeing all these. It’s nice for a change to be reminded of the good things we do/have here.’


Simply 17 very funny Tinder profiles that totally nailed it

Source Reddit u/Jimlobster H/T Someecards Image Pixabay