
Thanks for the free Christmas tree – now get me a better one

Internet groups where people can donate unwanted items or ask for items they need can be really useful, saving some things from going to landfill and preventing the necessity for buying new.

They’re a very green concept – sometimes literally, like when one person asked for a Christmas tree.

Here’s how it started …

And how it ended …

People were stunned by the brass neck of the choosing beggar in u/Lacroix_boiii‘s post.

Can’t imagine why they had to file for bankruptcy. Their expectations seems totally in check.

Imagine being the person who gave them the tree. That is beyond insulting. Someone went out of their way to help, and this is the thanks they get. Entitled people suck.

I’m sad for the tree. It’s a nice little tree.

What a true and total POS,Not the kind I want and STILL FUCKING BEGGING FOR A TREE FOR FREE??

I just hope someone picks it up, uses it for Christmas, and this piece of shit ends up with no tree.

Probably wanted it fully decorated and a wrapped PS5 to go under it.

First pic: That’s not so bad

Second pic: May they never enjoy Christmas again!!!

A Redditor named Alwin-050 had this perfect analogy.

This is on par with “we haven’t eaten in three days and are starving. If anyone wants to help we could use some lobster and grade A steak, but we only eat biological. Thank you for delivering!”


This choosing beggar’s guitar haggling raised the self-own to a fine art

Source r/ChoosingBeggars Image r/ChoosingBeggars