
“In the mornings I kick puppies to get myself into the mood for teaching”

If every Physics professor were like this, the STEM subjects might not be suffering an existential crisis. His blunt but funny style would have them packing into the lecture theatres and labs.

See what we mean.

“I kick puppies in the morning to get me in the mood for teaching.”

We’re sure no animals were hurt during the making of this TikTok.

When u/ItsKold shared it on Reddit, it picked up a wider audience, with these comments being pretty typical.

I wish this guy had a YouTube channel or something.

Id show up for every one of his classes. This is fantastic.

I know this isnt everyone’s cup of tea, but this man would have had my full undivided attention for every lecture.

u/noyoto had an explanation.

It happened just once, because he was on drugs at the time. And hungover. And his girlfriend dumped him.

If he did two classes like this, he’d be stupid. And fired.


The teacher who shared a ‘not for students’ file with students understood the assignment

Source @vanillabish H/T r/funny Image Screengrab