
How to school a Covid sceptic without even trying

Welcome to another episode of ‘Did they really write that? Covidiot edition’. This one comes with a built-in burn of the highest order.

What a subtle takedown. Redditors enjoyed it very much.

Got injected with the flu 2 months ago. Damndest thing, still ain’t had the flu.

November 32nd they will activate the chips with 5G! I heard it online!

I was offered it by a 4 year old kid, yesterday. Sternly told her “no, you keep it”, as she continued to cough straight out in the open air.

Just say NO.

Someone told me the other day that the fact that we need new vaccines proves this isn’t a virus. And that the vaccines given out so far aren’t vaccines, because if they were, they’d have worked.

I. Can’t. Fucking. Even.

I thought this was gonna be about the viruses being alive thing, and I was like “well, hey, that’s debatable and it’s surprising they knew anything about it” and then I kept reading.

How do people manage to be extremely dumb and somewhat knowledgable at the same time?

This is my new response to shit that people should have figured out by 8th grade.

u/taylorsuni had something to say on behalf of those who don’t test well.

This is insulting. As someone who was given back his tests faced down, I need to clarify that this dumbass is even beneath our level.

Fair point.


The takedown of this Covid sceptic’s WWII comparison was a thing of beauty

Source r/MurderedByWords, Image r/MurderedByWords, geralt on Pixabay