
This list of outrageous workplace ‘rules’ got entirely the responses it deserved

We’ve featured a fair few stories of outrageous bosses and people who told their employers exactly where they could stick their job over the last few months.

But we’re not sure we’ve come across a list of workplace rules quite like this.

It went viral after it was shared by Redditor SupermanPrimeOneMill and it had jaws dropping all over the place.

And before you read it, apparently it’s a place that mostly employs 16-year-olds.

And there’s so much to unpick there we don’t know where to start. Fortunately these fellow Redditors did.

‘Give a sad person little power and this happens.’

‘Not only is he sad, but he believes managing a burger flipping team of teenagers makes him a Tim Cook/ Jeff Bezos of some sort. Dude probably licks his own asshole out of contempt, just like a cat …’

‘These aren’t rules. They’re boomer commandments.’

“Hey kids! Follow these rules and you can someday be as successful as I am — managing teenagers at a fast food job!”

‘Wow. Way to advertise you hate your employees – and anyone else younger than you are.’

‘The B side to “flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity” is the boomer classic hit “straighten up and fly right or else you’ll be flipping burgers when you grow up”.’

‘It’s so cute how they think young people watch television.’

‘Anyways who wants to go to the coffee hsop with me?’

‘They talk about work ethic but are too lazy to even spell check a simple document. I’m always amazed at how bad the spelling is in every one of these posts.

‘It just immediately undercuts the hierarchical system these posters always try to uphold. Respect your betters who can’t spell simple words.


This job ad for people who ‘don’t cry’ got entirely the responses it deserved

Source Reddit u/SupermanPrimeOneMill