
This fabulous Christmas wind-up is childish but very, very funny

We might not watch a more enjoyable 34 seconds this week.

It’s a fabulous Christmas wind-up which just goes to show the best pranks are often the simplest.

Their mounting fury is tangible. And the contagious laughter (sound up!) just makes it even funnier.

Just why oh why does the light keep going off? It’s freezing out here!

The video was made by @nicocaponecomedy over on TikTok (and you can find them on YouTube here) and here are just a few of the many comments it prompted.

More than a few people were suggesting it was fake but, like Father Christmas, we choose to believe. Either way, we loved it.


This kitten’s surprise mega pounce is definitely worth waiting 8 seconds for

Source TikTok @nicocaponecomedy H/T Twitter @fred035schultz Reddit u/BingoBango1993