
Ricky Gervais pulled no punches in this NSFW takedown of the government

After two years of seeming to have the Midas touch with voter satisfaction ratings, Boris Johnson is seeing his public approval driven down by an avalanche of damning corruption and rule-breaking accusations.

Award-winning comedian, writer and actor Ricky Gervais recently went live for around half an hour, answering questions from fans on such topics as his TV viewing, Christmas gifts and elements of his life that bring him joy.

He also had this devastating assessment of the UK government, which includes NSFW language from the outset.

When are we going to stop taking ‘Went to Eton’ as a qualification to run the country?

His comments landed perfectly for a lot of people – including these.

There was also this suggestion.

See also – Prime Minister’s Questions.


This old clip of Ricky Gervais on The One Show has gone viral all over again and it’s an innuendo-laden treat

Source Ricky Gervais H/T Daniel Image Screengrab