Bad day? Could be worse, you could be putting this golf bag back
Latest in an occasional series, ‘Bad day? It could be worse …’ comes this, a most unfortunate chap who picked out this golf bag and then decided to put it back.
And it didn’t end well.
It was shared by Redditor EmreDoqan who said: ‘AKA Domino Wizard’ and these are our favourite things people said in response.
‘I love the way they all dive off the shelf like synchronised swimmers.’
kipwrecked‘Tbh, its a terrible place to put them.’
dubincubin‘Shit like this usually happens five minutes before the end of my shift.’
Prisoner-655321‘At least he showed concern, Ive seen customers do stuff like this and just make a run for it. If its damaged the store has insurance as long as it was an accident.’
vadermaybelater‘Welp, that’s par for the course.’
Entitled customer finds out English is not the only language and wins facepalm of the day
Source gfycat Reddit u/EmreDoqan