
This brutal staff survey response went wildly viral and is one we all wish we’d written at some point

Staff surveys are irritating for two main reasons. One, that you’re expected to fill them out. And two, no matter what you say, it will affect no change whatsoever.

Except in the case of this particular staff survey response which has just gone viral on Reddit, maybe it did.

It was posted by John_Sinclair who said: ‘We had to take an “anonymous” survey at work today. This is my somewhat strongly worded response.’

And it’s fair to say they went for it. They really went for it.


‘I remember filling out one of these at work that also claimed it was ‘anonymous’ only all of the required questions pretty much narrowed down exactly who you were/what department you worked in. Anonymous my left nut.’

“Anonymous” forms usually have a code of some sort on it….they know who filled out what. I had a mngr compare handwriting once … lol.’

‘My experience of anonymous is that 20 minutes later I get the supervisor asking me about the form I filled in on the computer, because someone upstairs isn’t happy about my response …’

‘Awwwww I hurt corporate’s feeling’s with my mean words … F-CK EM’

And just in case you were wondering …

‘For those concerned about me getting disciplined for this, worry not. Management never fires employees, they just cut their hours more and more every week until the employee in question just quits. Why do this? So the now former employee can’t collect unemployment.’


Boss refuses to accept resignation and gets exactly what’s coming to him

Source Reddit u/John_Sinclair