This gazelle saving its skin by playing dead is the most remarkable great escape
Probably the most remarkable wildlife video you’ll see this week – a lot of weeks, in fact – is this clip of a gazelle saving its skin by playing dead.
It went viral on Reddit after iw as shared by viki2603 and it’s an incredible watch.
And the Academy Award goes to …
‘Did you order this food to go? “BECAUSE THERE IT GOES!!!”
buckeyespud‘Later to his buddies: “You won’t believe the day I had.”‘
chriscrossnathaniel‘U know he’s a legend at the watering hole.’
Although it turns out it might not be quite what it seems …
‘Big cats primarily kill by suffocation. The Gazelle was probably unconscious from being choked out by the cheetah, but recovered when the cheetah was forced to release its grip.’
Gaxxag‘It looks like it was knocked out. It didn’t react to the bites. I bet it was just a last-ditch adrenaline rush when it woke up.’
troopertk40‘Gazelles don’t play dead. Chances are it passed out due to being choked out by the cheetah, and simply woke up in a most opportune time to get away. Probably won’t live long as there are sure to be internal wounds from the initial take down.’
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Source Reddit u/viki2603