
The way this cat reacts to a fox in its garden is oddly relatable

Over on Reddit’s r/Funny forum, u/doughnut_cat has shared this encounter between a cat and the fox just chilling on its garden shed.

There was something very relatable about the slow reverse – like when you spot that chatty neighbour who always traps you in the street, or when ‘Piers Morgan’ trends on Twitter.

More than a few people were concerned for the cat’s safety and none too pleased with its owner for filming the encounter.

I was so concerned about the cat, fox could just jump down and snatch your cat and you won’t even have time to react to that.

Why tf would you let your cat out, knowing there’s a fox out there? Smdh.

Not funny. If you want your cat to live I wouldn’t do that again.

There were other reactions.

I didn’t even see the fox before the cat climbed on the shed. I was expecting something hiding behind the flower pot, lol.

Ehhh I’m sleepin’ ere, can’t ya see I’m sleepin’.

Kittys ears. Those are “oh shit” ears.

Just back away slowly.

I love the look back as they get closer to the door. “That was a fox… right? YEP! Let me in now.”

A Reddit user named u/wood7676 voiced the cat’s thoughts.

All I heard was “ awww fuuuck…..” quietly in the cats head.

Like we said – Piers Morgan trending on Twitter.


People love how this fox reacts as it spots the camera

Source r/Funny Image Screengrab