That’s quite the attitude for someone wanting a free ride for 20 people
This entitled person in search of a big favour somehow ended up on Reddit’s r/Facepalm forum, but we suspect they might have been more suited to r/ChoosingBeggars.
Have a look for yourself.
Some people tried to help but the reaction they got was blunt, in fact – downright rude.
She wouldn’t even compromise to make use of some pretty generous offers.
Maybe r/Facepalm was right after all.
If I was the driver for this group I would require intoxication. For myself.
God can supply the bus, if she asks him nicely.
Imagine how this convo would look if this was a face to face conversation. she’d just screaming NEXT at everyone trying to help her.
For her attitude, I’d offer the free ride and not show up.
The fact that someone offered to help this psychopath after the first few comments is beyond what the human brain can understand.
What a beautiful soul at the end “let us know if you change your mind”. Like I’d be saying screw em with that attitude.
A Reddit user named u/randubis had this to say.
Beggars CAN be choosers… NEXT!
Not if they want free transportation for 20 people.
This choosing beggar got totally owned for their free dog treats complaint
Source r/Facepalm Image r/Facepalm