
Labour’s Angela Eagle asked the PM a killer question about the nuclear button

It was a lively Prime Minister’s Questions this week, with Keir Starmer trying and failing to get the PM to apologise for making a false accusation about the opposition leader’s role in the Jimmy Savile case.

Additionally, Tory backbenchers declared their lack of faith in Johnson, and Ian Blackford skirted dangerously close to getting kicked out again for being too honest.

It wasn’t just his own side of the House having a go at the PM, however, and Angela Eagle’s question is one for the history books.

@maxfostercnn Angela Eagle MP doesn’t #borisjohnson ♬ Calm LoFi song(882353) – S_R

“If the PM needs a Met Police inquiry to tell him whether he attended a party on 13th November in his own Downing St flat, why should we believe he’s a fit and proper person to have his hand on the button of our independent nuclear deterrent?

from Boom GIFs via Gfycat

These responses have it well and truly covered.

One TikToker went further.

No argument from us.


Theresa May’s blistering takedown of Boris Johnson was simply brutal – 15 favourite responses

Source Max Foster Image Screengrab