
These 13 outrageously entitled dates are simply hilarious (unless it’s you on the date, obviously)

We’ve met quite a few entitled types in our time and we’ve also been on no end of bad dates (as we might have mentioned before).

But we’ve never been on a date with someone quite so entitled as one of these 13 dates from hell. And thank goodness for that.

1. ‘He had a date with destiny, and she ordered the lobster’


2. ‘Guy went on one date with a girl, waited 3 months of no contact before deciding to pick out every insecurity she probably has about herself. Claims SHE hurt his ego, then proceeds to (kind of) ask for a second date’


3. ‘Unsolicited feedback from my sisters date. Spent the whole time talking about how smart he is, and ordered a kids meal at lunch’


4. ‘Six years since that lad tried to invoice me for a shit date’


5. ‘I got this gem in my inbox last night. I’m not even mad, I finally have something worth posting. I should have told him I was on my 4th cookie when I sent my response. (His dating profile is on the left)’


6. ‘Girl on Tinder wants Korean BBQ’


7. ‘She unmatched soon after, so she wasn’t joking …’
