
A bigoted Christian’s complaint about this inclusive car sticker is the ultimate self-burn

You’ll be familiar with the concept of the ‘self-own’ of course, and this is something like that, or maybe it would be more accurate to call it a ‘self-burn’.

Whichever it is, the bigoted Christian who left this note complaining about an inclusive car sticker is quite the piece of work.

And just in case that’s tricky to read …

‘Out of respect for the Christian community I request that the cross be left out of this sticker/message as our beliefs do not support it and that our cross is being mistreated in this.

‘Thank you for understanding. With love the Christian community. Jesus loves YOU.’

And we’re glad to say it got entirely the responses it deserved after the picture went viral on Reddit.

‘I would love to hear this person’s logic how “Love thy neighbor” is unchristian.’

‘Right, Jesus wasn’t down with coexistence.’

‘So much tape.’

‘Came here to say that … wants you to really think about it while you scrape all that tape off.’

‘Don’t touch my f*cking car.’

“Jesus loves you” – IF you take the cross out of your sticker.’


A boss told their staff to quit if they wanted to work from home and got entirely the response they deserved

Source Reddit u/Other-Cantaloupe4765